CEO Message
My father started Ideal nearly 50 years ago. As a young girl, I tagged along with him to project sites on weekends – watching him take moisture and humidity readings or quality-check the equipment. I remember how committed he was to each project and client as he helped them recover from the crippling effects of water damage.
While I was impressed with my Dad and his passion for such a dirty business, I never envisioned a career in building recovery and restoration for myself. Fast forward to 15 years ago, when I made the life-changing decision to join the family business. With guidance from my father, Butch, who oversaw field operations, and my mother, Michelle, who ran the office, I learned the business from the ground up. This included earning certifications and working onsite with our project teams, where I operated the equipment, applied our time-tested methodologies, and eventually advised clients.
The Next Generation
Today, I’m proud to be the Owner and Chief Executive of San Francisco’s premier building recovery solutions company. We’ve expanded beyond water damage to rescue buildings from any natural or man-made disaster or environmental hazard to any issue that impacts your business’s operation and the safety and health of the building’s occupants and visitors. Most recently, we’ve developed industry-leading capabilities for bio-hazard mitigation and disinfection.
While my management team and I work to grow our company and find innovative ways to solve our client’s toughest challenges, some things will never change. We will continue to embrace the values that the company was built upon. Most prominent of these is our never-ending commitment to the client and their stakeholders, as well as the Ideal employees who serve them.
I welcome you to our new and improved website and encourage you to browse through the site to learn more about our company and solutions.

Jaclyn Carpenter