Ideal Eliminates Infection Risk at Medical Facility After Sewage Leak

The Problem: The UCSF Connie Frank Transplant Center located in the Parnassus Heights Medical Center provides care for patients before and after kidney and pancreas transplants. These patients are typically at a high risk for infection due to medically-suppressed immune systems. So it was of major concern when a major sewage back-up spread contaminated water throughout the bathrooms, clinical areas and office spaces.

The Response: The priorities were to contain the spill, prevent the spread of pathogens, and minimize the interruption to out-patient services. Ideal’s technicians quickly responded to the property manager’s call for help and within two hours, all standing water was removed and further damage was contained. Any unrepairable floors or walls were identified and the area was tested for hazardous materials (e.g. lead, asbestos) to avoid any contamination during demolition. Before any reconstruction, Ideal used exclusive decontamination technology over a nine-hour period to eliminate pathogens from the air and all surfaces – in both the impacted area and surrounding offices (6,000 square feet of space). Finally, Ideal called in a local construction partner to quickly handle reconstruction activity and avoid further delays.

The Results: Understanding the urgency for the Center to safely resume patient care, Ideal deployed time-saving solutions so that the Center could reopen within a week. This included rapid containment and extraction, pre-demolition contaminant testing, the most effective decontamination technology, and efficient construction. Just as important as the turn-around time, Ideal’s infection prevention and control procedures delivered a “sterility assurance level” of 99.9999%.

“Ideal arrived within an hour and jumped right in…. quickly assessing the situation, making recommendations and beginning containment.  Their expertise and attention to detail was evident through-out the process. Much to my satisfaction and with the full confidence of UCSF staff and clinicians, the building was quickly made safe again for organ transplant patients.”

– Francisco Leon, Bayside Realty Partners
Senior Property Director for Pacific Heights Medical Center

Ideal Rescues Apartment Building from Fire and Water Disaster

The Problem: A six-story apartment building caught fire, resulting in fire damage on two floors and significant water damage throughout five floors. Since many tenants were displaced, it was essential that the building be returned to proper living conditions as quickly as possible.

The Response: Water had created the most extensive damage. As soon as the firefighters cleared the way, Ideal moved quickly to contain the flow of water and extract all possible moisture in order to preserve structural integrity and prevent mold growth. Char and soot were removed from structural elements and building materials and possible lead exposure was mitigated. While there was minimal physical damage to personal property, oppressive smoke odors had to be thoroughly removed from the air and all surfaces and materials.

The Results: Using innovative heat-based drying technology, Ideal quickly turned the building from water-logged to completely dry and minimized the need for demolition or mold remediation. Exclusive deodorization and decontamination technology eliminated all evidence of a fire from the air, surfaces and materials. And by balancing effectiveness with efficiency, Ideal was able to complete the job in two-thirds less time – saving the property manager time and money, while minimizing the impact on the lives of tenants.